Group Volunteer of the Quarter – Figures 24/7

Figures 24/7 is a long-time partner of EFN and has participated in the Repack Project on an annual basis since 2013. However, this year they have blown us away!

Their team volunteers monthly at our EFN Repack Project, packing a total of 21,218 pounds of food for distribution so far! And that’s not all. They also took on Hunger Awareness Month this May by hosting a Food & Fund Drive. They maximized donations by offering a free yoga class in exchange for non-perishables, which led to a very successful drive with more than 400 pounds of food donated to EFN. Figures 24/7 also sponsored this year’s Casino Royale event and has offered a 3-month gym membership package as an item for our annual auction!

Kathy Hadman, gym manager, says, “Figures 24/7 is so grateful for all that Emergency Food Network does in our community and for our neighbors. There are so many good and generous people that have a desire to help others and don’t know where to start. The work that EFN does enables the community to gather together and serve. We are grateful to be a part of that community and serve our neighbors!  As a bonus, our team always has a great time working the repack project! It’s truly a win-win all around.”

Volunteer groups like theirs make a huge impact by offering a variety of ways to support our work. We appreciate you, Figures!

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