Mother Earth Farm Update

May brought the sun… and the weeds. The month was a busy one of transplanting, seeding, harvesting, and weeding. EFN’s Mother Earth Farm has a beautiful fruit set this year – even after the heavy spring rains. The apples, pears, and peaches are already the size of a baby’s fist. The month of May was all about setting ourselves up for later success. We toiled with planting tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers knowing fully that we won’t see the fruits of these labors for another month.

We distributed lettuce, tat soi, bok choy, radishes, napa cabbage, chard, and mustard this month and have already distributed over 15,000 lbs of organically grown food this year for our neighbors in need!

Meet our 2018 Adopt-a-Row group!
Twice this month AFSCME WSCCCE Local 3787, a group of Pierce County librarians, has helped with the cultivation of their five beds (typically three, but they wanted more) of red Russian kale. We are so grateful for their committed care of these plants. So next time you are checking out a book, ask your librarians how their kale is doing.

Check out their Q&A and blog updates!

Brewer’s Nights are back!
Join us for weeding and happy hour! Enjoy a relaxing evening volunteering at the farm while sipping on locally brewed beer. Bring friends, make friends, and help us grow even more vegetables for our neighbors in need.

See dates and information on how to get involved on our website or email

*Must be 21 or older to attend Brewer’s Nights. Registration for this event is required.

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