
From the Fields: September 2022

The 2022 summer season has been full of change and yet, consistency. August marked the first anniversary for five of our farm staff. Having so many returning staff members on the farm is a huge benefit! Not only does the farm staff work well together and are familiar with each other, but having an established and skilled farm team allows us to complete tasks swiftly. The months of August and September require our team to be more efficient and communicative so that we can balance harvesting, weeding, and transplanting fall crops.

This season, the farm team decided to change some of our farming practices. Through these modifications, we have created the opportunity to have less waste on the farm! One change is to plant certain vegetables in succession, meaning we seed crops at different intervals to maintain a consistent supply of harvestable produce throughout the season. We decided to do succession planting with our tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts. By transplanting less of one crop at one time, we create less waste in the fields, provide partners with more variety of crops, and give the farm team a chance to weed each succession with success! We’ve also changed our zucchini and tomato spacing to have optimal “breathing room.” This allows plants have healthier production, less waste, and less risk of disease.

We aim to continue these farming practices to steward the land with intention, provide more nutritious produce for our partners, create achievable goals for our team, and have fun while doing it!

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